Michele Katz, Advitam IP, Joins Parade of Presidents at NAWBO Chicago Achievement Luncheon

For the first time in years, Advitam IP Founder Michele Katz found herself in the audience at the NAWBO Chicago 2019 Achievement Luncheon instead of on stage. Read More

Christie Hefner Addresses Packed House at NAWBO Chicago Achievement Luncheon

Advitam IP Founder Michele Katz recently served as Chair of the NAWBO Chicago 2018 Celebration of Achievement Luncheon. As Master of Ceremonies for the event, Michele had the distinct honor of presenting the Luncheon’s keynote speaker, Christie Hefner, former Chairman and CEO of Playboy Enterprises, Inc. Read More

Four more YEArs! Four more YEArs!

Advitam IP founder Michele Katz recently led a Young Entrepreneurs Academy (YEA!) session on entity formation and intellectual property. It is the fourth consecutive year that Michele has taught the course for YEA!. Read More

From Employee to Entrepreneur

It was a real-apply-to-your-business-practice-today type of event in the creative space of NAWBO member Catalyst Ranch. Thanks to NAWBO Chicago and Decalogue Society Of Lawyers for putting this event together and for our cofounder Michele and her fellow panelists Helen Bloch of the Law Offices of Helen Bloch and Jessica Merino of Merino Wealth Management. Read More