Michele Katz Interview by sheTribe

Michele Katz was interviewed by sheTribe and featured in their recent weekly column, “As Told by an HBIC.” We certainly agree that Michele is an “HBIC,” which is an acronym for “Head Boss In Charge!” Read More

AFHU’s Midwest Region Presents: “The Future of Food” hosted by Michele Katz

Advitam IP proudly supports the American Friends of the Hebrew University through scholarship contributions to their innovative sciences programs. Our own, Michele Katz will be hosting the AFHU’s Midest Region’s presentation of, “The Future of Food.” Read More

Michele Appears in Consult The Negotiator Podcast, Hosted by Marc Siegel

The podcast, Consult The Negotiator, featured Michele Katz in a recent episode titled, “Michele Katz: Talking Too Much Can Torpedo Your Trademark Claims.” In this episode, hosted by Michele’s longtime friend Marc Siegel, Michele discusses her own negotiation style and how she has learned to confidently negotiate and come to agreements in difficult cases. Read More

Showing support for Team Rohan’s Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation golf outing fundraiser

Founding partner Richard Gurak, Advitam IP attended Team Rohan’s golf outing in support of the Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation’s Take Steps fundraiser. The Foundation’s Take Steps fundraiser is a walk that brings together a community patients, caregivers, friends and supporters who donate to Crohn’s and Colitis treatment and research.   Read More

Supporting the Cultivation of Knowledge, Connections and Collaboration at the IHCC

Partner Richard Gurak is proud to have assisted the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in securing this important trademark registration. Founded in 1990, the IHCC is now the largest community of Hispanic business owners in Illinois and is committed to helping Hispanic-owned businesses grow by providing the tools and resources necessary to succeed. Read More