Website ADA compliance: Michele Katz’s most recent article

Website ADA compliance: Michele Katz

In the most recent issue of The Global IP Matrix magazine, our very own Michele Katz shares her powerful insight regarding the surge of federal lawsuits against online businesses not complying with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

Technology has become such a crucial part of our daily lives. We’re even more reliant on it due to the pandemic. What does this mean for our clients who maintain websites? Are their websites ADA complaint? Do all businesses maintaining a website need to be ADA complaint?

U.S. courts have begun taking sides on the issue. The Supreme Court has had opportunities to regulate this matter and solve the circuit split, but has not done so yet. Until this happens, it will be up to the Circuits to respond to lawsuits and accommodate these concerns.

The volume of these lawsuits has become burdensome for businesses of all sizes. It has created an instability of expectations.

Read Michele’s full article for her prediction and recommendations, pages 7-8

Website ADA compliance questions? Connect with Michele here

The Global IP Matrix magazine is published by Northon’s IP Media PR & Marketing