Advitam IP — One Year Later. Earning Your Trust on a Daily Basis.

Orange ballon on a white background

Our clients are simply the best.

Since our firm launch on March 27, 2012, clients have trusted us to protect their intellectual property assets around the world. The entire Advitam IP team — led by Michele Katz and Richard Gurak — greatly appreciates your support, your trust and your commitment.

We look forward to our continued partnership over the years to come.

Celebrating Our Commitment to Outstanding Service and Value.

Advitam IP spent the last year working with a wide variety of businesses to meet their diverse intellectual property needs. A few, representative matters include:

  • El Gran Combo, a world-renowned salsa band, turned to Advitam IP for legal help after being sued for breach of contract that threatened to interfere with its world tour. Advitam IP’s successful litigation strategy — and in-house Spanish language proficiency — resulted in the case being dismissed with prejudice. El Gran Combo continued its world tour without interruption.
  • When a client’s real estate-related website content was “lifted” by an infringer, the client turned to Advitam IP for help. We moved quickly to halt the online copyright infringement. After sending a cease and desist letter, the infringer took down its site.
  • For a not-for-profit entity, Advitam IP helped fend off a trademark infringer that had incorporated our client’s mark into its domain name. Advitam IP was able to negotiate the transfer of the domain name to the not-for-profit client.
  • When a client had its General Counsel file a trademark application for its main brand, a disclaimer was unwittingly accepted rendering the mark almost unenforceable against infringers. Advitam IP moved quickly to correct the oversight, re-filing an application for the same mark and successfully fighting against the disclaimer. Now, we are enforcing the client’s brand rights against infringers and trying to minimize any damage from tarnishment caused by infringers’ use of the client’s brand.
  • Advitam IP also worked with an Internet commerce website to identify and protect strategic intellectual property assets. Drawing on decades of experience, our firm performed a comprehensive intellectual property audit, reviewed management objectives, and implemented customized protection programs for patent, trademark, and copyright filings.
  • Advitam IP strategically positioned and structured brand-licensing programs for multiple restaurant locations and facilitated extensions of brand-to-retail concepts.

Expanding our Capacity.

It was a productive first year for Advitam IP. We enhanced our ability to work on a wide variety of intellectual property legal issues while expanding our capacity to work with diverse clients on highly complex business matters. We also welcomed two new members to our team — law clerks Briana Belligio and Ehrin Tendrick.

In year two, Advitam IP will continue to be one of the fastest growing Chicago-based intellectual property law firms — growth that is the result of strong client referrals and a capable legal team.

We hope to see many of our clients at the upcoming International Trademark Association Annual Meeting in Dallas, TX this May. It will give us a chance to raise a glass to toast our first anniversary.


Michele Katz and Richard Gurak